Greg Kulis – CAM Fellow

Gregory Kulis, CAM, has served as pilot and security coordinator for a large corporate flight department based in Columbus, OH. He has extensive international experience in several different aircraft types and remains current in a Challenger 350.

Kulis is retired from a law-enforcement career where he had multiple assignments including command responsibilities for police helicopter operations. He is a past Chair of the NBAA Security Council and has served as a council member since 2004.

In addition to being a CAM, Kulis is NBAA Safety Manager and an accredited IS-BAO auditor for both fixed and rotary wing operations.

Kulis has Master’s Degrees in both Legal Studies and Homeland Security. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Public Safety Administration,

Kulis has worked extensively with government agencies on regulatory and international security initiatives. He has been a frequent contributor at NBAA events and publications on a variety of security and regulatory topics.